Active Markets

Staying invested even when markets are volatile can serve investors well

History shows that some of the market's best days occur shortly after bad days.

By staying fully invested over the past 15 years, an investment of would have earned more than someone who missed the market's 10 best days.

Test your own investment amount:

$10,000 invested in the S&P 500 (12/31/07–12/31/22)

Data is historical. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The best time to invest assumes shares are bought when market prices are low.

Stayed fully invested:
% annualized total return
Missed 10 best days:
less by missing the 10 best days
Missed 20 best days:
Missed 30 best days:
Missed 40 best days:

Data is historical. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The best time to invest assumes shares are bought when market prices are low.

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