
Research fund performance with this free analysis tool

FundVisualizer is an advisor-only tool that streamlines your fund research with intuitive controls and powerful features.

Nova Awards, Star Awards, MITX

Analyze funds from across the industry

Evaluate more than 11,000 funds, ETFs, indexes, and custom portfolios using 65+ performance and risk metrics to compare how different funds and portfolios stack up on your terms directly from your desktop or tablet.

  • Make head-to-head comparisons of funds and portfolios
  • Seamless experience from website to mobile app

Correlation can have a major impact on portfolio risk

Diversifying by market cap, geography, or investment style may not be enough.

The traditional model for building a diversified portfolio may not be adequate in today's market. Adding small-cap stocks to a large-cap portfolio, combining growth stocks with value stocks, or even supplementing a U.S.-focused fund mix with international or emerging-market equities may not create the level of diversification desired. The reason: high correlations across markets and investment styles over the past five years.

Use FundVisualizer to compare the correlation between two portfolios and fund-to-fund correlation to uncover hidden portfolio risk

Copy and paste your fund list

Simply copy and paste fund tickers and data from your spreadsheets and save to your commonly used funds list, or create portfolios when you import fund tickers and weighting.

  • Supports any comma delimited format (Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers)

Model portfolio performance

Research the returns of different allocation models across a variety of historical market conditions to see the impact of tweaks to your clients' portfolio mixes.

  • Easily generate portfolio comparisons in just four clicks
  • Save comparisons to your personal library

Share with clients

Intuitive controls make it easy to create shareholder-approved reports customized for your clients.

  • Download, save, and print client proposals
  • Email directly to your clients from the application

Create custom preferences

Generate individual and custom portfolio comparisons, build a personal chart library, and save to your binder to keep your research organized.

  • Use the platform you prefer – desktop and iPad or Android tablet
  • Save charts with custom names organized into custom folders