2023 tax brackets and federal income tax rates

Thanks for visiting the tax center. Below you will find the 2023 tax rates and income brackets.

Income tax If taxable income is over But not over The tax is Of the amount over
Married/Filing jointly and qualifying widow(er)s $0 $22,000 $0.00 + 10% $0
$22,000 $89,450 $2,200 + 12% $22,000
$89,450 $190,750 $10,294 + 22% $89,450
$190,750 $364,200 $32,580 + 24% $190,750
$364,200 $462,500 $74,208 + 32% $364,200
$462,500 $693,750 $105,664 + 35% $462,500
$693,750 $186,601.50 + 37% $693,750
Single $0 $11,000 $0.00 + 10% $0
$11,000 $44,725 $1,100 + 12% $11,000
$44,725 $95,375 $5,147 + 22% $44,725
$95,375 $182,100 $16,290 + 24% $95,375
$182,100 $231,250 $37,104 + 32% $182,100
$231,250 $578,125 $52,832 + 35% $231,250
$578,125 $174,238.25 + 37% $578,125
Estates and trusts $0 $2,900 $0.00 + 10% $0
$2,900 $10,550 $290 + 24% $2,900
$10,550 $14,450 $2,126 + 35% $10,550
$14,450 $3,491 + 37% $14,450