Putnam UCITS

Putnam Investments has been serving investors outside of the United States since 1983, and has offices located around the globe. Putnam offers a range of innovative and customised solutions as well as traditional equity and bond investments.


This page includes legal documents for Putnam World Trust.

Putnam World Trust is an umbrella unit trust authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland pursuant to the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations 2011 (as amended) (S.I. No. 352 of 2011) ("UCITS") and has the following sub-funds registered in Austria:

  • Putnam Global High Yield Bond Fund
  • Putnam U.S. Large Cap Growth Fund
  • Putnam Ultra Short Duration Income Fund
Putnam World Trust:
Prospectus English
Country Supplement English
Key Information Documents German
Performance Scenarios English
Annual Report German
Semiannual Report English
Trust Deed English
Daily NAV English
Shareholder Engagement Policy English
Proxy Voting / Engagement Report English
Sustainability-Related Disclosures English
Summary of Unitholder Rights English
Putnam World Trust Unitholder Notice English

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Vergangene Wertsteigerungen erlauben keine Schlüsse auf zukünftige Wertentwicklungen der Fonds. Außergewöhnliche Marktsituationen können einen negativen Einfluss auf die Liquidität der Fonds haben und diese sogar illiquid machen. Diesfalls kann sogar ein Verkauf der Fonds unmöglich sein. Marktschwankungen und regressive Entwicklungen des Marktes können den Investor zwingen, Entscheidungen zu treffen oder Teile von Fonds zu verkaufen um seinen vertraglichen oder regulatorischen Verpflichtungen nachkommen zu können. In der Folge kann es vorkommen, dass der Investor Fonds unter ungünstigen Marktbedingungen liquidieren muss, die auch zu einem Totalausfall des Investments führen können. Keine Zusicherung kann gegeben werden, dass die momentane Gesetzeslage oder regulatorische Bestimmungen für gewisse oder alle Fonds nicht geändert oder anders interpretiert werden.

The provided information serves solely general information purposes and does not constitute an offer or an invitation to make an offer to purchase or sell the products referred herein. Prospective investors should not construe the contents of this disclosure document as legal, tax or financial advice. Each investor shall seek professional advice and clarification tailored to his or her personal circumstances and specific knowledge, e.g. from an attorney or a tax advisor, prior to taking an investment decision. Therefore, the information provided on this website is neither investment advice in the sense of the Austrian Securities Supervision Act ("WAG") or the Austrian Banking Act ("BWG") or any other applicable Austrian law.

Past performance results do not allow any conclusion to be drawn for the future development of the funds. Exceptional market circumstances may have an adverse effect on the liquidity of the funds, and even render the products entirely illiquid. In this case it might not be possible to sell the funds. Fluctuations and regressive developments in the market might require the investor to make provisions or sell portions of the investor's holdings in the funds in order to enable the investor to comply with its contractual or regulatory obligations. As a consequence, the investor may have to liquidate the funds under unfavorable market conditions, which might lead to a loss of the entire investment. No assurance can be given that existing laws and regulations will not be changed or interpreted adversely to certain or all funds.

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