How to establish a CIT

Operational best practices

As part of Putnam’s commitment to helping plan sponsors and participants reach their retirement plan goals, below describes the process for setting up a CIT in a qualified retirement plan. Also review our frequently asked questions.

Establishing a Participation Agreement with Putnam Fiduciary Trust Company

Collective investment trusts require an agreement between the Trust Company and the plan’s fiduciary prior to investment. The agreement outlines plan eligibility requirements, fees, and obligations applicable to investing in Putnam’s CIT. When a sponsor executes a Participation Agreement (PA), they incorporate the terms and conditions of the Declaration of Trust into their own Plan Document.

How Putnam can help

After you confirm the Plan Fiduciary is ready to execute a PA, email [email protected] to obtain a request form. Our Operations Team will confirm that the plan is eligible to invest in our CIT CUSIPs and provide additional information required for the agreement.

Upon receipt of the completed request form, we typically can draft a PA for the plan’s review within one to two business days. We ask to receive the executed PA 10 days before the plan’s initial funding date.

For questions on the request form or PA, contact Putnam Operations at 1-800-648-7410 or email [email protected].

For questions about disclosure materials, including a Declaration of Trust, Offering Statement, or Certification Letter, refer to operational FAQs.

Checklist for setting up a Putnam CIT


Request a Participation Agreement (PA) form by emailing [email protected]


Submit a completed request form at least 10 days before the plan’s initial funding date


Review the draft PA (received from Putnam within 1–2 business days after form is submitted) and important disclosure documents*


Confirm CUSIPs*


Establish trading account

Additional CIT options with Great Gray Trust Company

More Putnam strategies are available as CITs on the Great Gray Trust Company platform. Contact Great Gray Trust Company for more information.