Nevada College Savings Plans

Saving for college one step at a time, is one of the most important investments you can make is your child's future.

Nevada and Putnam Investments

Putnam 529 for America offers all the tax advantages of a 529 plan plus a wide array of investment choices, including age-based portfolios, goal-based portfolios, and individual fund options. The plan is backed by Putnam's award-winning service and more than 85 years of investing experience.

The Nevada Putnam Scholarship Program

The Nevada Treasurer's Office is proud to partner with Putnam Investments to offer a scholarship program for Nevada students. The program awards one-time scholarships to Putnam 529 for America accounts to help cover the account beneficiaries' costs of attending postsecondary schools — either undergraduate or graduate.

Learn about this exclusive program for Nevada residents.

Download the brochure (PDF)

image of program for Nevada residents brochure

Putnam 529 for America

Download the program overview

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Ready to invest?
Talk to your financial advisor or call 1-877-PUTNAM529