Equity investing
Our equities organization manages a range of funds that pursue outperformance of stock market indexes over time. We achieve our performance through deep fundamental research, which drives our stock selection and portfolio construction process.
Reducing downside market risk
We build portfolios that allow the unique features of each stock to have impact on performance. This process includes risk analysis to reduce unwanted volatility during market drawdowns.
We believe the key tenets of our philosophy contribute to performance
- Portfolios that emphasize stock-specific qualities are better positioned for more consistent performance in all market environments
- Incorporating context-relevant and financially material environmental, social, and governance insights enhances stock analysis
- Active research is more successful when individuals have accountability while working in a collaborative team structure
Featured strategy: Large Cap Value
Portfolio managers Darren Jaroch, CFA, and Lauren DeMore, CFA, manage a disciplined process to target a wider array of opportunities than many other U.S. value portfolios. Get to know our multidimensional approach to value investing.
Available options:
Large Cap Value Fund (PEIYX)
Overall Morningstar Rating™ out of 1,089 funds in the Large Value category based on total return as of 08/31/24.
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