A deeply resourced and experienced team
Our Fixed Income organization features experienced investment professionals who are responsible for fundamental security analysis within their diverse areas of expertise. They are structured in specialized research teams to cover a full range of markets and sectors, from global governments to emerging markets to corporate and structured credit. The senior leadership of the organization has worked together for over a decade and shares a commitment to Putnam’s distinctive fixed income philosophy.
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Key numbers
As of 9/30/23.
Michael V. Salm, Chief Investment Officer, Fixed Income
Responsible for the overall strategy and positioning of Putnam's fixed income portfolios, Mr. Salm specializes in strategies related to mortgage and structured credit products as well as interest-rate and volatility derivatives. He is a member of Putnam's Operating Committee as well as a portfolio manager of multi-sector strategies.
Navin H. Belani, Head of Credit Research
Supervising the credit research process, Mr. Belani leads a team of corporate credit and tax-exempt analysts and investment research associates. As an analyst and sector specialist, he also supports multiple global portfolios by conducting fundamental analysis, developing insights on material sustainability issues, and assessing valuations of issuers.
Albert Chan, CFA, Head of Portfolio Construction
Responsible for Putnam's term structure strategies, Mr. Chan's role includes interest-rate and FX trading implementation as well as quantitative modeling. He leads team efforts researching market and macroeconomic data. He is a portfolio manager of multi-sector strategies, recommending broad positioning and portfolio construction ideas.
Joanne M. Driscoll, CFA, Head of Short Term Liquid Markets
Specializing in the investment strategies of short duration products, Ms. Driscoll also oversees SEC Rule 2a-7 mandated portfolios and other cash assets as well as the Trading Operations team. She is a portfolio manager of short duration portfolios as well as offshore funds and securities lending pools.
Brett S. Kozlowski, CFA, Co-Head of Structured Credit
Developing investment strategies within structured credit sectors, Mr. Kozlowksi analyzes commercial mortgage and structured finance securities, and leads ESG efforts within structured credit. He collaborates with portfolio managers and analysts on ESG integration at the security and portfolio levels. He is a portfolio manager of multi-sector portfolios.
Jatin Misra, Ph.D., CFA, Co-Head of Structured Credit
Within structured credit strategies, Dr. Misra manages the risk and return of agency and non-agency residential mortgage-related securities, whole loans, derivatives, pass-throughs, and options as well as asset-backed securities. He is a portfolio manager on multiple portfolios employing mortgage strategies.
Robert L. Salvin, Head of Corporate and Tax-Exempt Credit
While leading the corporate credit and municipal investment processes, Mr. Salvin also covers the retail sector and portions of the non-cyclicals market as well as convertible securities. He is a portfolio manager of multiple portfolios employing credit strategies.