Putnam Advisor Preferred

Putnam Diversified Income Subaccount

The subaccount seeks as high a level of current income as Putnam Management believes is consistent with preservation of capital.

Fund description

The subaccount seeks income from three sectors: U.S. corporate and government investment-grade bonds, foreign bonds, and higher-yielding, lower-rated corporate bonds. The benchmark allocation for each sector is typically one-third of total assets. The management team can adjust the weightings and may allocate from 15%-65% of assets to each sector. By diversifying its assets, the subaccount seeks to reduce the risk of overexposure to any one sector.

Sales story

Offering a diversified portfolio of income opportunities Diverse income opportunities The fund provides exposure to bonds in all sectors of the expanding global fixed income market and across the complete credit spectrum.Multiple strategies Putnam's bond specialists employ 70-80 active investment strategies to pursue a diverse range of opportunities for performance.Active risk management In today's complex bond market, the fund's experienced managers actively manage risk with the goal of superior risk-adjusted performance over time.

Management team

Daily pricing as of 09/18/24

with optional enhanced death benefits
Unit Value $18.925576 $18.237447
Unit Value Change -0.082268 -0.079352

Lipper ranking ‡ as of 08/31/24

Category: General Bond Funds

  Percentile ranking Rank/Funds in category
10 yrs. 65% 11/16
1 yr. 15% 4/27
3 yrs. 22% 6/27
5 yrs. 65% 16/24

‡ Lipper is an industry research firm whose rankings are based on total return performance, vary over time, and do not reflect the effects of sales charges. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Quick facts as of 08/31/24

Fiscal Year End December
Asset Class Putnam Advisor Preferred
Subaccount Status Open to new investors
Number of issues 675
Turnover (fiscal year end) 1,417%
Net Assets $110M
Inception Date 09/15/93


Performance as of 06/30/24

Annualized Performance Last Quarter Year
to Date
1 yr. 3 yrs. 5 yrs. 10 yrs. Life of
Restated performance
Unit Value 0.26% 1.03% 5.17% -2.15% -1.62% -0.42% 2.59%
Standardized -1.74% -0.97% 3.17% -2.15% -1.62% -0.42% 2.59%
With optional enhanced death benefit
Unit Value 0.22% 0.95% 5.01% -2.29% -1.77% -0.57% 2.43%
Standardized -1.78% -1.05% 3.01% -2.29% -1.77% -0.57% 2.43%
Actual performance
Unit Value 0.26% 1.03% 5.17% -2.15% -1.62% -0.42% 2.58%
Standardized -1.74% -0.97% 3.17% -2.15% -1.62% -0.42% 2.58%
With optional enhanced death benefit
Unit Value 0.22% 0.95% 5.01% -2.29% -1.77% -0.57% 2.42%
Standardized -1.78% -1.05% 3.01% -2.29% -1.77% -0.57% 2.42%

Annual Performance at NAV

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
-1.31% -3.95% 3.69% 5.36% -2.62% 9.40% -2.54% -8.49% -3.95% 3.09%
With optional enhanced death benefit
-1.46% -4.10% 3.53% 5.20% -2.77% 9.23% -2.69% -8.62% -4.10% 2.94%

Restated performance

Monthly as of 08/31/24

Unit Value 0.96%
Standardized -1.04%

YTD as of 09/18/24

Unit Value 5.18%
Standardized 3.18%

With optional enhanced death benefit

Monthly as of 08/31/24

Unit Value 0.95%
Standardized -1.05%

YTD as of 09/18/24

Unit Value 5.06%
Standardized 3.06%

Unit values and performance information shown apply to the specific annuity product listed, not the underlying Putnam Variable Trust fund. This information should not be used by investors who hold an interest in Putnam Variable Trust funds through a different annuity or other variable product. The unit values and performance of other variable products that offer Putnam Variable Trust funds may be higher or lower due to product charges and expenses or other factors.

Data is historical. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. More recent returns may be less or more than those shown. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, and you may have a gain or a loss when you sell your units.

Returns shown for the subaccounts for periods before their inception are derived from the historical performance of the underlying fund, adjusted to reflect the mortality, expense risk, and surrender charges applicable to this product and do not factor in the annual $30 contract maintenance fee. Additional riders and options for insurance-related charges will increase expenses and lower returns. Please see the prospectus for details. For a portion of the period, subaccounts may have limited expenses, without which returns would have been lower.

Variable annuities are long-term investments designed for retirement purposes. Putnam Capital Manager products are flexible-premium variable annuities held by Talcott Resolution Life, Inc., Simsbury, CT.

Putnam Everlake variable annuities are flexible-premium deferred variable annuities issued by Everlake Life Insurance Company (Everlake Life); underwritten by Everlake Distributors, L.L.C., both of Northbrook, IL; and sold through registered representatives or bank employees who are licensed insurance agents. Please check for availability in your specific state.

These policies have limitations and are sold by prospectus only. The prospectus contains details on the variable annuity, the subaccounts, contract features, fees, expenses, and other pertinent information.

Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of a fund before investing. For a prospectus containing this and other information for any variable annuity or variable life product that invests in Putnam Variable Trust funds, contact your financial advisor for a contract prospectus and prospectus for the underlying funds. You may also call Talcott Resolution at 1-800-521-0538 or Everlake at 1-800-390-1277. Read the prospectuses carefully before investing.

For the most recent month-end performance, please call Talcott Resolution at 1-800-521-0538 or Everlake at 1-800-390-1277.

Risk Characteristics as of 08/31/24

Avg. Eff. Maturity 3.52
Avg. Eff. Duration 4.01
Avg. Coupon 5.70
Avg. Yield to Maturity 4.56
Alpha (%) --
Beta --
R Squared --
Standard Deviation (3 yrs.) 5.09

Maturity Details

0 to 1 yr. 10.65%
1 to 5 yrs. 59.07%
5 to 10 yrs. 28.69%
10 to 15 yrs. 1.31%
Over 15 yrs. 0.28%

Quality Ratings

AAA 14.25%
AA 3.31%
A 3.05%
BBB 11.93%
BB 18.02%
B 5.64%
CCC and Below 2.79%
Not Rated 10.73%
Net cash 30.29%


Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 06.5000 09/01/2054 8.46%
Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 06.0000 09/01/2054 7.44%
Gnma Gii30 Tba 04.5000 09/01/2054 3.58%
Gnma Gii30 Tba 05.5000 09/01/2054 2.76%
Gnma Gii30 Tba 04.0000 09/01/2054 2.62%
Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 05.0000 09/01/2054 1.81%
Stacr 2016-Dna1 B 15.4633 07/25/2028 1.03%
Cas 2016-C02 1b 17.7133 09/25/2028 1.02%
Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 05.5000 09/01/2054 0.92%
Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 02.5000 09/01/2054 0.78%
Top 10 holdings, total: 30.42%

Top 10 holdings as of 08/31/24
1: Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 06.5000 09/01/2054 8.46%
2: Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 06.0000 09/01/2054 7.44%
3: Gnma Gii30 Tba 04.5000 09/01/2054 3.58%
4: Gnma Gii30 Tba 05.5000 09/01/2054 2.76%
5: Gnma Gii30 Tba 04.0000 09/01/2054 2.62%
6: Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 05.0000 09/01/2054 1.81%
7: Stacr 2016-Dna1 B 15.4633 07/25/2028 1.03%
8: Cas 2016-C02 1b 17.7133 09/25/2028 1.02%
9: Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 05.5000 09/01/2054 0.92%
10: Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 02.5000 09/01/2054 0.78%
Holdings represent 30.42% of portfolio
Top 10 holdings as of 07/31/24
1: Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 06.0000 08/01/2054 14.89%
2: Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 06.5000 08/01/2054 8.47%
3: Gnma Gii30 Tba 04.5000 08/01/2054 3.56%
4: Gnma Gii30 Tba 05.5000 08/01/2054 2.76%
5: Gnma Gii30 Tba 04.0000 08/01/2054 2.60%
6: Stacr 2016-Dna1 B 15.4616 07/25/2028 1.04%
7: Cas 2016-C02 1b 17.7116 09/25/2028 1.03%
8: Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 02.5000 08/01/2054 0.77%
9: Cwalt 2006-Oa10 4a1 05.8441 08/25/2046 0.63%
10: United Mexican States Usd 02.6590 05/24/2031 0.59%
Holdings represent 36.33% of portfolio
Top 10 holdings as of 06/30/24
1: Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 06.0000 07/01/2054 14.99%
2: Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 06.5000 08/01/2054 8.56%
3: Gnma Gii30 Tba 04.5000 07/01/2054 3.55%
4: Gnma Gii30 Tba 05.5000 07/01/2054 2.78%
5: Gnma Gii30 Tba 04.0000 07/01/2054 2.59%
6: Stacr 2016-Dna1 B 15.4498 07/25/2028 1.06%
7: Cas 2016-C02 1b 17.6998 09/25/2028 1.05%
8: Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 02.5000 08/01/2054 0.77%
9: Cwalt 2006-Oa10 4a1 05.8397 08/25/2046 0.66%
10: United Mexican States Usd 02.6590 05/24/2031 0.58%
Holdings represent 36.61% of portfolio
Top 10 holdings as of 05/31/24
1: Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 06.0000 06/01/2054 14.98%
2: Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 06.5000 06/01/2054 8.55%
3: Gnma Gii30 Tba 04.5000 06/01/2054 3.53%
4: Gnma Gii30 Tba 05.5000 06/01/2054 2.78%
5: Gnma Gii30 Tba 04.0000 06/01/2054 2.58%
6: Stacr 2016-Dna1 B 15.4382 07/25/2028 1.06%
7: Cas 2016-C02 1b 17.6882 09/25/2028 1.05%
8: Fnma Fn30 Tba Umbs 02.5000 06/01/2054 0.75%
9: Cwalt 2006-Oa10 4a1 05.8194 08/25/2046 0.66%
10: United Mexican States Usd 02.6590 05/24/2031 0.59%
Holdings represent 36.53% of portfolio

Portfolio composition as of 08/31/24

Cash Investment Non-Cash Investment Total Portfolio
Weight Spread Duration Weight Spread Duration Weight Spread Duration
Net cash 30.29% 0.00 0.00% 0.00 30.29% 0.00
Agency pass-through 0.12% 0.01 22.22% 0.58 22.34% 0.58
High-yield corporate bonds 11.35% 0.35 4.73% 0.19 16.07% 0.53
Emerging-market bonds 10.67% 0.52 0.77% 0.00 11.44% 0.52
Agency CMO 11.22% 0.46 0.00% 0.00 11.22% 0.46
Investment-grade corporate bonds 10.60% 0.36 0.00% 0.00 10.60% 0.36
Residential MBS (non-agency) 9.62% 0.26 0.00% 0.00 9.62% 0.26
Commercial MBS 7.39% 0.15 0.05% 0.01 7.44% 0.16
Bank loans 5.15% 0.20 0.00% 0.00 5.15% 0.20
Convertible securities 2.84% 0.04 0.00% 0.00 2.84% 0.04
Asset-backed securities (ABS) 0.75% 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.75% 0.00
Interest rate swaps 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 1.27 0.00% 1.27
International Treasury/agency 0.00% 0.00 0.00% -0.08 0.00% -0.08
U.S. Treasury/agency 0.00% 0.00 0.00% -0.41 0.00% -0.41

Spread duration is displayed in years and reflects the contribution by sector to the portfolio's total spread duration with the exception of the Treasury and Interest-rate swap sectors where effective duration is displayed. Spread duration estimates the price sensitivity of a specific sector or asset class to a 100 basis-point movement, 1%, (either widening or narrowing) in its yield spread relative to Treasuries. Effective duration provides a measure of a portfolio's interest-rate sensitivity. The longer a portfolio's duration, the more sensitive the portfolio is to shifts in the interest rates. Allocations may not total 100% of net assets because the table includes the notional value of certain derivatives (the economic value for purposes of calculating periodic payment obligations), in addition to the market value of securities.

Consider these risks before investing: Emerging-market securities carry illiquidity and volatility risks. Lower-rated bonds may offer higher yields in return for more risk. Funds that invest in government securities are not guaranteed. Mortgage-backed investments, unlike traditional debt investments, are subject to prepayment risk, which means that they may increase in value less than other bonds when interest rates decline and decline in value more than other bonds when interest rates rise. Bond investments are subject to interest-rate risk (the risk of bond prices falling if interest rates rise) and credit risk (the risk of an issuer defaulting on interest or principal payments). Interest-rate risk is generally greater for longer-term bonds, and credit risk is generally greater for below-investment-grade bonds. Risks associated with derivatives include increased investment exposure (which may be considered leverage) and, in the case of over-the-counter instruments, the potential inability to terminate or sell derivatives positions and the potential failure of the other party to the instrument to meet its obligations. Unlike bonds, funds that invest in bonds have fees and expenses. The value of investments in the fund’s portfolio may fall or fail to rise over extended periods of time for a variety of reasons, including general economic, political, or financial market conditions; investor sentiment and market perceptions; government actions; geopolitical events or changes; and factors related to a specific issuer, geography, industry, or sector. International investing involves currency, economic, and political risks. These and other factors may lead to increased volatility and reduced liquidity in the fund’s portfolio holdings. Our investment techniques, analyses, and judgments may not produce the outcome we intend. The investments we select for the fund may not perform as well as other securities that we do not select for the fund. We, or the fund’s other service providers, may experience disruptions or operating errors that could have a negative effect on the fund. You can lose money by investing in the fund. Variable annuities are long-term investments designed for retirement purposes. Withdrawals prior to age 59 1/2 may be subject to a 10% IRS penalty.

Credit qualities are shown as a percentage of the fund's net assets. A bond rated BBB or higher (A-3 or higher, for short-term debt) is considered investment grade. This chart reflects the highest security rating provided by one or more of Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch. To-be-announced (TBA) mortgage commitments, if any, are included based on their issuer ratings. Ratings may vary over time. Cash, derivative instruments, and net other assets are shown in the not-rated category. Payables and receivables for TBA mortgage commitments are included in the not-rated category and may result in negative weights. The fund itself has not been rated by an independent rating agency.

Country Allocation as of 08/31/24

United States 86.05%
Mexico 1.52%
Brazil 1.06%
France 0.90%
Canada 0.81%
Colombia 0.70%
Romania 0.57%
Vietnam 0.55%
South Africa 0.53%
Côte d'Ivoire 0.52%
Benin 0.49%
Serbia 0.49%
Panama 0.47%
Bermuda 0.44%
United Kingdom 0.42%
Guatemala 0.41%
Indonesia 0.38%
Dominican Republic 0.36%
Chile 0.34%
India 0.33%
Cayman Islands 0.28%
Nigeria 0.27%
Israel 0.27%
Italy 0.26%
Austria 0.25%
Netherlands 0.24%
Czech Republic 0.24%
Egypt 0.23%
Sweden 0.23%
Paraguay 0.23%
Turkey 0.21%
Costa Rica 0.19%
Luxembourg 0.19%
Mongolia 0.18%
Gabon 0.16%
Norway 0.12%
Malaysia 0.04%
China 0.04%
Thailand 0.03%
Poland 0.03%
Hungary 0.02%
Singapore 0.02%
Switzerland 0.01%
South Korea 0.01%
New Zealand 0.01%
Japan -0.01%
European Community -0.20%
Australia -0.89%


Sales Charges/Fees

Breakpoint Sales Charge Dealer Allowance CDSC Liab
$0 - $0 0.00% 0.00% N


Year Percent
1 2.00%
2 1.00%
3+ 0.00%