International and Global Funds

Broaden your investment horizon with funds that go beyond the United States.

International equity funds invest in the stocks of companies located outside the United States, while global equity funds can invest in any market around the world. These funds offer investors the possibility of broad diversification by tapping into the growth potential of non-U.S. developed and emerging economies, and a vast array of common-stock investment opportunities. International and global funds carry different degrees of risk, including political, currency, market, and liquidity risks pertaining to non-U.S. stock investments. In addition, diversification is not a guarantee of profits.

Putnam's approach

  • We pursue an active approach to investing with the goal of outperforming passive benchmark indexes.
  • Our non-U.S. fund choices include international, value-oriented, sector-specific, small company, and focused portfolios, offering many ways for investors to pursue international opportunities.
  • Our talented, diverse, and tenured team of equity analysts is focused on conducting creative research, developing differentiated investment ideas, and collaborating across sectors and geographies.

Browse Putnam's international and global funds

For more information on these funds and the potential risks of investing, please click on the fund names. You can lose money investing in a mutual fund.