*Barron's list of Best Fund Families of 2023. Out of 49 firms (1 year), 47 firms (5 year), 46 firms (10 year). Based on asset-weighted total returns.

Tax Season 2023


Learn more and get 2023 tax resources, including information about capital gains for 2023, year-end tax estimates, tax rates for 2024, and more.

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Why Gaza war has not yet caused an oil price spike

Putnam Perspectives

Why Gaza war has not yet caused an oil price spike

The calamity of war in Gaza since early October has so far had a more muted impact on oil prices than might have been expected. We analyze the market and share our outlook.

Final regulations deliver clarity on 10-year rule

Wealth Management Ideas

Final regulations deliver clarity on 10-year rule

With final regulations announced, heirs now have clarity on the 10-year rule for distributions from inherited retirement accounts.


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Equity Insights  |  December 20, 2023

The power of diversified alpha

The power of diversified alpha

Our diversified alpha approach seeks to avoid performance extremes. We use a stock-driven, rather than style-driven, process that gives us the chance to outperform our benchmarks in all market environments.

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Fixed Income Outlook

Advisor Tech Tips

2023 survey of advisors' use of social media

2023 survey of advisors' use of social media

Findings from the 2023 Putnam Social Advisor Survey show that more advisors are using social media for business but fewer are seeing success.

Give a small gift now that can make a big future impact. Save for education tax-free with Putnam 529 for America. Give a small gift now that can make a big future impact. Save for education tax-free with Putnam 529 for America. Give a small gift now that can make a big future impact. Save for education tax-free with Putnam 529 for America.

Webinars you may have missed

Putnam's portfolio managers and investment professionals offer their latest insights and take your questions about the markets and Putnam funds. If you missed any of our recent webinars, replays are available.

Geopolitics and investing: A conversation with Admiral James Stavridis November 14, 2023

Top year-end planning considerations November 9, 2023

Pursuing value in today's market October 3, 2023

Navigating the changing terrain of Large Cap Value and Large Cap Growth July 26, 2023

For more, or to see any upcoming webinars, see our complete schedule


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