Help your clients with the right tools for their needs

Putnam puts technology at your fingertips to show investors key points about tax considerations, retirement accounts, and investment comparisons.

Tax-Equivalent Yield Calculator

Compare yields across tax-exempt municipal bonds, Treasuries, and corporate bond funds.

CD vs. municipal bond calculator

Find out whether your clients could benefit from an investment in tax-free municipal bonds.


Compare more than 11,000 funds and ETFs from across the industry; model and analyze custom-built portfolios using a wide range of performance and risk metrics.

College savings calculator and proposal generator

Create college savings proposals customized for your clients' needs, with graphic illustrations to help guide their decisions.


Access a convenient compilation of the administrative forms you need for your clients' characteristics.

Client seminars

Download current presentations to help educate your clients on a range of investment topics, from volatility to college planning, the benefits of diversification, absolute return strategies, and wealth management.

Client literature

Order or download Putnam literature, including brochures and fact sheets, helpful sales and investment ideas, and fundamental investor education pieces.

Historical pricing

Find historical NAVs for Putnam funds, formatted for Web or Excel.

College savings selection tool

Help clients determine which college savings vehicle is right for them.

Morningstar Hypothetical Illustrator

Compare Putnam funds using Morningstar's tool.

Roth IRA conversion evaluator

A quick and visual way to see if your client can benefit from a Roth conversion.

Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) calculator

Compare different RMD options and schedules available to clients approaching age 72.

72(t) planner

Identify "penalty free" distribution options available to clients entering early retirement prior to age 59½