Putnam Multi-Asset Model Portfolios

Blending both active and passive exposures for investors

Putnam offers a choice of six model portfolios with allocations to pursue different investor goals. Each portfolio is diversified with stock and bond investments and includes both active and passive strategies. The portfolios are rebalanced periodically to maintain desired exposures.

Targeted diversification, to help investors pursue their financial goals

Professional management by experienced multi-asset team

A competitive cost structure with no overlay fees

Multi-Asset Model Portfolio Target allocation Cumulative composite return (net) since inception
Aggressive Growth
Inception: 11/30/19
64.46% as of 03/31/24
Inception: 04/30/19
60.09% as of 03/31/24
Balanced Growth
Inception: 04/30/19
47.31% as of 03/31/24
Conservative Growth
Inception: 04/30/19
31.84% as of 03/31/24
Balanced Income
Inception: 04/30/19
17.97% as of 03/31/24
Inception: 11/30/19
-1.76% as of 03/31/24

Putnam Multi-Asset Model Portfolios invest in non-Putnam exchange-traded funds and exclusively in Putnam mutual funds. Putnam does not currently charge overlay fees for portfolio management of the Putnam Multi-Asset Model Portfolios; however, it earns fees from the Putnam mutual funds in which the Portfolios invest. Prior to making any investment or financial decisions, any recipients of this material should evaluate the overall fees and charges of the firm as well as the services provided. Asset allocation strategies and diversification do not assure a profit and do not protect against loss. As with any investment, there is a potential for profit as well as the possibility of loss.

Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. An investment in these strategies can lose value. Returns are stated in U.S. dollars and include the reinvestment of dividends and interest. Returns less than one year are not annualized. Net-of-fees returns do not reflect the deduction of a management fee but are net of all fees and expenses applicable to the underlying funds within the model portfolio. Composites include all fully discretionary, actual invested accounts managed to represent the model portfolio strategy. Putnam does not have investment discretion over or place trade orders for any portfolios or accounts derived from the Putnam Multi-Asset Model Portfolios. Performance of accounts managed in accordance with the model by a third-party firm may differ from the performance shown.

Each model portfolio is managed to contain approximate target allocations as shown. Target allocations can vary +/-10%. The invested Putnam model portfolio may differ from its target allocation due to market conditions and other factors.

For informational purposes only and not designed to be a recommendation of any specific investment product, strategy, or decision, and is not intended to suggest taking or refraining from any course of action. This information should not be relied upon as investment advice, research, or a recommendation by Putnam Investments regarding the use or suitability of the Putnam Multi-Asset Model Portfolios.

Putnam Multi-Asset Model Portfolios invest in non-Putnam exchange-traded funds and exclusively in Putnam mutual funds. Putnam does not currently charge overlay fees for portfolio management of the Putnam Multi-Asset Model Portfolios; however, it earns fees from the Putnam mutual funds in which the Portfolios invest. Asset allocation strategies and diversification do not assure a profit and do not protect against loss. As with any investment, there is a potential for profit as well as the possibility of loss.

When selecting active funds for inclusion in a Putnam Multi-Asset Model Portfolio, Putnam generally expects to select a proprietary fund without considering or canvassing the universe of all investable funds for inclusion in the model portfolio. To the extent that an appropriate proprietary fund is not available, only then will Putnam consider passive ETFs for inclusion in the model portfolio. Passive ETFs are non-Putnam products and are selected for inclusion based on several characteristics, such as fund expenses, liquidity, and desired asset class exposure. Any passive ETF used in the Multi-Asset Model Portfolios shall be selected by Putnam, in its sole discretion. Putnam does not currently charge overlay fees for portfolio management of the Putnam Multi-Asset Model Portfolios; however, it earns fees from the Putnam mutual funds in which the Portfolios invest. Prior to making any investment or financial decisions, any recipients of this material should evaluate the overall fees and charges of the firm as well as the services provided.

Putnam Multi-Asset Model Portfolios are provided for illustrative and educational purposes only, do not constitute personalized investment advice or an investment recommendation from Putnam, and are intended for use only by financial professionals, with other information, as a resource to help build a portfolio or as an input in the development of investment advice for its own clients. The implementation of, or reliance on, a model portfolio strategy is left to the discretion of the financial professional. Such financial professionals are responsible for making their own independent judgment as to how to use Putnam's Multi-Asset Model Portfolios. Putnam does not have investment discretion over or place trade orders for any portfolios or accounts derived from the Putnam Multi-Asset Model Portfolios.

Investing involves risk, including the loss of principal. Risks apply to those underlying funds in the allocation of the models; there is no guarantee the funds' investment objectives will be achieved. Carefully consider the funds within the model portfolios' investment objectives, risk factors, and charges and expenses before investing. This and other information can be found in the funds' prospectuses, which may be obtained by visiting the respective fund information page or fund family websites. Our allocation of investments among the underlying funds may hurt performance. Therefore, the model portfolio's performance is subject to the risks that may affect the performance of the underlying funds. In addition, investors will bear the fees and expenses of the underlying funds included in the models.