William J. Monroe, CFA
Portfolio Manager
More from the Equity team
The power of diversified alpha
Our diversified alpha approach seeks to avoid performance extremes. We use a stock-driven, rather than style-driven, process that gives us the chance to outperform our benchmarks in all market environments.
ESG materiality | Analyzing the growing role of ESG factors in executive compensation
A rising number of S&P 500 companies are now tying ESG metrics to executive pay. Explore insights on how this impacts corporate goals and investment opportunities.
ESG Metrics | Impact report of sustainable investing strategies
Putnam Investments is pleased to share our 2023 Sustainability and Impact Report.
ESG Materiality: A North Star for multi-asset investors [2023]
The concept of financial materiality serves as a “North Star” that can guide activity across asset classes. Illuminating this concept, Putnam experts in equities, fixed income, and asset allocation have produced a comprehensive exploration of ESG materiality across asset classes.