Gain insights on portfolios and potential risks
With nearly 30,000 funds and ETFs, as well as stocks and bonds to choose from, building a well-diversified portfolio with the appropriate balance of risk is more challenging than ever.
Contact Putnam to schedule a call with our team.
Improve your understanding of historical portfolio performance
Confirm a portfolio is appropriately positioned
Set performance expectations based on portfolio characteristics
See risks below the surface
Even portfolios that look solid may have hidden risk exposures. Our Portfolio Solutions professionals can help you identify and track dozens of potential investment risk factors, including:
- Equity market, size, style, and sector risks
- Interest-rate (duration), high-yield spread, and MBS spread risks
- Commodities and foreign currency risks
You’re in control, from the first call to a customized report
The service begins with a consultation about your current portfolio choices and allocations. From there, you can decide whether to seek a more detailed risk analysis from our team and get a customized report showing:
- Risk breakdown: Risk factors over time
- Risk impact: Contributions to returns over multiple periods
- Risk budgeting: Allocations at strategy and risk factor levels
- Scenario analysis: Stress tests in past bull and bear markets
- Strategy framework: Data for building portfolio diversification
Our skilled team is ready to help you
Brendan T. Murray
Head of Global Investment Strategies
Seamus S. Young, CFA
Senior Investment Director, Team Leader
Fixed Income
Daniel W. Lahrman, CFA
Senior Investment Director, Global Asset Allocation
Jonathan M. Schreiber, CFA
Senior Investment Director, Team Leader
Global Asset Allocation
Do you prefer a self-directed approach? Explore the FundVisualizer analysis tool. If you prefer to contact a specialist at Putnam, use the form below.
Contact Putnam to schedule a call with our team.